Sprint 11 brought achievements around the tech development, improving and expanding our backend and frontend functionality.
📑 Documentation
✔️ Reorganized developer documentation into categories for Pools, Assets, and Engage apps, making it easier for developers to find relevant information.
✔️ Updated SDK documentation for counterparty pools to make it more comprehensive and user-friendly.
✔️ Improved the quality and accessibility of documentation by restructuring content and fixing broken links.
Backend Development
Data Handling and System Optimization:
✔ Adjusted time rounding for the historical available balance service and modified the treatment of deposited contributions to only consider active events.
✔ Continued developing multiple network schemas and enhancing backend design for scalable infrastructure.
Functional Improvements and Bug Fixes:
✔️ Adjusted rounding methods for better data grouping in time series and enhanced the contributions calculation method to prevent negative values.
✔️ Implemented fixes to ensure the stability of data metrics, including a fix for when previous balance data is zero.
Frontend Development
User Interface and Experience Improvements:
✔️ Updated the design on ‘lend and borrow’ dashboard sections, fixing collateral amount formats.
✔️ Made 'supply/borrow' text usage consistent throughout the UI for improved clarity.
✔️ Implemented small bug fixes and style updates, such as improving the background, making pagination numbers clickable, and fixing broken menus on mobile.
✔️ Addressed issues with incorrect icons, unresponsive tooltips, and missing messages to enhance overall functionality.
✔️ Updated the pools development site domain to ‘pools.defactor.dev’, resolving data display and mobile menu issues.
POOLS Webapp Updates:
✔️ Enhanced loading animations for smoother transitions, especially under slow network conditions.
✔️ Added new actions to the pools table, allowing users to lend or borrow directly from the table view for better interaction.
✔️ Updated styling on the Supply, Borrow, and Details pages, and improved shadows for visual consistency.
✔️ Fixed broken background styles on scroll, updated texts, and refined the dashboard with language-specific adjustments and new total orders.
ASSETS Webapp Updates:
✔️ Conducted a thorough project cleanup, improving codebase structure and preparing for future enhancements.
Component and Style Enhancements:
✔️ Improved the pagination component for mobile and fixed broken chart components for better responsiveness.
✔️ Updated the UI-KIT readme and resolved issues with dashboard component icons, flat container styles, and bar chart vertical variant styles.
Enhancements and Fixes:
✔️ Removed unnecessary animations on the LineChart to enhance performance.
✔️ Introduced new parameters for better styling of modal components and fixed mobile responsiveness issues in the LanguageSelector.
✔️ Updated shadow styles and made adjustments to the table and dashboard components for improved usability.
SDK Updates
Functionality Extensions and Bug Fixes:
✔️ Implemented new SDK functions: ‘collectPool’, ‘depositRewards’, ‘closePool’, and created a claim method for expanded smart contract interactions.
✔️ Updated ‘createPool’ and ‘commitToPool’ functions, improved error handling, and removed duplicate messages.
New Features and Improvements:
✔️ Released a major SDK version update with a new required Pool property and resolved various testing issues for enhanced reliability.
✔️ Released updates to ABI management and implemented new features like archivePool and uncommitFromPool, enhancing flexibility and functionality.