Sprint 13 introduced many backend and frontend changes that boosted product performance.
Backend Development
Pools Backend Functionality Improvements:
✔️ Added needed environment variables
✔️ Updated deploy files to all instances
✔️ Changed @mui/styles by @mui/system
✔️ Removed the contract attribute from the configuration variable.
✔️ Implemented a new design to model multiple pool contracts.
✔️ Added category json for pools processes.
✔️ Created new files for Pools.
Frontend Development
✔️ Fixed dashboard responsiveness
✔️ Fixed UI inconsistencies
✔️ Implemented a responsive sidebar
✔️ Implemented new customizable reusable components
✔️ Updated graphql request to support multiples chains.
✔️ Working on new param on user context to save selected chains.
✔️ Updated pools request by global query to get a pool of multiples chains.
✔️ Added validation when user execute some transaction (lend, borrow, repaid and claim), to verify if pool chain is same to user chain connected.
✔️ Updated env variables to support multiple chains.
✔️ Applied various design improvements:
✔️ Fixed Collateral ratio calcule.
✔️ Applied improvement on borrow action: disabled borrow button while collateral amount is calculated.
✔️ Updated logic to load branding instance data.
✔️ Working on multichain selector component.
✔️ Added optional styles.
✔️ Created language selector component