Sprint 16 includes recent updates that improved backend operations, enhanced frontend features, and boosted overall system stability, with new functionalities and foundational work for future growth.
Backend Development
Assets Backend Functionality Improvements:
✔️ Fixed a typo in the Hasura query collections, resolving issues causing errors during queries.
✔️ Partially implemented authentication features, including JWT Login and improved code tidying.
✔️ Implemented a new endpoint to retrieve user-specific stats.
✔️ Corrected a minor typo for better clarity.
✔️ Corrected the "delete template" endpoint to ensure proper functionality.
✔️ Included nonce handling in transaction building for better transaction tracking.
✔️ Switched to correct ERC20 and ERC3643 ABIs for better compatibility.
✔️ Created endpoints to support transaction flows using Hasura actions.
✔️ Ensured smoother operations with corrected queries.
✔️ Initial integration of authentication methods, with further enhancements planned for completion.
✔️ Addressed an issue to ensure accurate data retrieval for community templates.
✔️ Added an endpoint to fetch wallet-specific statistics.
✔️ Added support for testnets in the network types.
✔️ Removed unused functionalities to streamline codebase.
✔️ Fixed issues related to environment variables.
✔️ Added endpoints for building and sending transactions.
Pools Backend Functionality Improvements:
✔️ Made necessary updates for smooth production and staging releases.
✔️ Refactored the Hapi framework and loaded default worker intervals from environment variables.
✔️ Optimized the starting block increment process.
✔️ Enhanced README content to give better guidance.
Engage Backend Functionality Improvements:
✔️ Improved the README with more detailed information.
✔️ Updated libraries to the latest versions.
✔️ Aligned base code to the main version for consistency.
Frontend Development
✔️ Implemented a Snackbar alert system for various actions. This enhancement provides better user feedback and interaction.
✔️ Added a new Contacts page to the web app. This update ensures users can manage their contacts effectively.
✔️ Introduced pagination capabilities, addressing the need for efficient data management and presentation.
✔️ Overall improvements in wallet UI and authentication processes.
✔️ Replaced the "TitleWithIcon" component in the "MyTemplatesSection" with its updated version.
✔️ Fixed issues with environment variables to ensure correct deployment.
✔️ Finalized all functionalities related to the card component.
✔️ Added a description text field to the template creation modal for better template documentation
✔️ Enhanced APIs to include chainId and implemented burn asset functionality for better asset management.
✔️ Added a demo line chart for displaying global stats.
✔️ Developed functionality to render conditional statuses in the asset table.
✔️ Loaded components with minor updates to custom components and the asset details page.
✔️ Developed a "My Wallet" page with small UI changes for a better user experience.
✔️ Developed context and UI elements for the alerting system.
✔️ Comprehensive contact management interface and functionalities.
✔️ Implemented pagination features using Hasura for backend management.
✔️ Enhanced wallet state management, updated the wallet UI and integrated one-click authentication for streamlined user experience.
✔️ Reverted "CardWithHover" component to its previous version in preparation for a future UI-kit update.
✔️ Ensured compatibility with upcoming template updates.
✔️ Improved visual consistency and functionality of the "MyTemplatesSection".
✔️ Back-end integration for wallet stats data retrieval implemented.
✔️ Addressed and fixed an error occurring in the production environment.
✔️ Introduced functionalities to support community-driven templates.
✔️ Implemented validations for the fill template data page, ensuring data integrity.
✔️ Built transaction workflows, including data retrieval, signing, and backend submission.
✔️ Fixed UI issues in the create template card and adjusted the height of input type files.
✔️ Created a new transfer page to facilitate asset transfers.
✔️ Completed multiple releases to production and staging environments.
✔️ Fixed deployment errors for development instances, ensuring smooth rollouts.
✔️ Modified Ingress setup to use NGINX for better performance and stability.
✔️ Improved management of pool descriptions and corrected total value locked calculations.
✔️ Provided the ability to customize app logo sizes based on different instances.
✔️ Updated Google Cloud credentials for enhanced security and compliance.
✔️ Adjusted free disk space options to prevent issues related to insufficient disk space.
✔️ Fixed typos in action YAML files and cleared space in Linux runners.
✔️ Added additional slack time for payments, ensuring smoother transaction processing.
✔️ Applied specific font family for mobile language labels.
✔️ Implemented a new version of the sidebar across multiple PRs to ensure consistent navigation experience.
✔️ Prepared and deployed new versions, ensuring stability and feature enhancements.
✔️ Addressed and resolved issues related to development instance deployment.
✔️ Implemented changes to enhance backend load balancing and routing.
✔️ Enhanced customization options for pool descriptions and ensured accuracy in financial metrics.
✔️ Improved instance-specific UI flexibility.
✔️ Ensured credentials were correctly configured for relevant environments.
✔️ Implemented changes to optimize disk usage on servers.
✔️ Improved system reliability and CI/CD processes.
✔️ Enhanced payment processing mechanisms to accommodate longer processing times.
✔️ Added a component to manage navigation on mobile devices.
✔️ Updated the ingress host for Aurus Mainnet.
✔️ Corrected the calculation logic for interest to ensure accuracy.
✔️ Set up the foundational codebase for future developments.
UI Kit
✔️ Enhanced styles for the sidebar component, making it more visually appealing and user-friendly.
SDK Updates
✔️ Updated the staking contract ABI to reflect recent changes.
✔️ Improved type format export for better type management.
✔️ Added support for multiple contract actions in the staking contract.
✔️ Introduced new functions to the staking contract for extended functionality.
✔️ Updated the README to include instructions for running IPFS locally.
✔️ Merged development branch into main for continuity of updates.
✔️ Created an introduction page for the staking contract documentation.
✔️ Refreshed the tech roadmap to reflect current progress and future plans.
✔️ Updated domain information for Aurus Mainnet.