Highlights this week was an in-person Technology & Innovation onsite workshop to review and prioritise development initiatives and re-confirm roadmap.
📑 Documentation and Processes Improvement
✔️ Improved the developer documentation site
✔️ Added Open Source Contributing Guidelines
✔️ Provided detailed information on the Agile Methodology Workflow
✔️ Added a general description of the technology stack used in the project
Backend Development
✔️ Structure Update: Updated current structure to include multiple services such as Hasura and PostgreSQL.
✔️ DevOps Flow Configuration: Configured DevOps flow including Kubernetes and GitHub workflows.
✔️ Docker Images Update: PostgreSQL: Updated from 13.11-apine to 16.1-alpine.
✔️ Hapi (Node.js): Updated from node:18.18.0 to node:18.19.0.
✔️ GraphQL Engine: Updated from 2.33.1.cli-migrations-v3 to v2.36.3.cli-migrations-v3.
Frontend Development
✔️ UI-Kit Development: Developed the UI-kit and made improvements to some of its components to speed up and generalize implementation.
✔️ Base Webapp Creation: Created a new base webapp for Defactor apps with integration of some UI-kit components.
✔️ Wallet Selector and Login Component: Developed the wallet selector and login component.
UI/UX Design
✔️ Factr Pools Wireframes: Continued work on new Factr pools wireframes.
✔️ Clickable Prototype: Created a clickable prototype for sharing.
SDK Updates
✔️ Code Quality Tools: Configured developer tools for maintaining clean and maintainable code, including Prettier, ESLint, Husky, Changeset, and Jest.
✔️ SDK Base Structure: Developed the base structure for the SDK.
✔️ Model Class Abstraction: Created model class abstractions for entities like Assisted-Provider, Self-Provider, ERC20CollateralPool, and Pool Contract, with base-provider and base-contract respectively.
✔️ Pools Information Logic and Tests: Implemented logic and unit tests for retrieving pools information, including pagination.
✔️ Loans Information Logic and Tests: Developed logic and unit tests for loans information, including pagination.
Testing & Audit
✔️ Defactor Counterparty Pools Audit successfully completed, achieving an impressive 95% success score 🎉