Sprint 6 has shown solid progress and notable achievements across our Backend, UI Kit, and Webapp components. Below is the list of tasks our tech team completed, improving and expanding our platform's capabilities and user experience.
Backend Development
✔️ Added JWT Authentication to Hasura Backend API and updated CI/CD pipeline for security and efficiency.
✔️ Modified views to include active loans and created new development environment on Defactor.Dev.
✔️ Updated repository readme and dependencies for smoother development process
API and Data Handling:
✔️ Created endpoint for total collateral retrieval.
✔️ Improved loan handling and integrated $FACTR Token Price Feed.
Frontend Development
✔ Fixed Rows per Page Selector and duplicate data issues, enhancing data management.
✔️ Corrected text content issues for clarity.
✔ Created a new development branch and established dev version tag.
✔ Launched a new development environment on Defactor.Dev.
✔️ Replaced dashboard placeholder and enabled copying address from wallet component.
UI/UX Improvements:
✔️ Resolved date format and decimal display issues.
✔️ Enabled easy copying of wallet addresses.
Collateral and Balances:
✔️ Implemented total collateral display for clearer financial data.
✔️ Fixed balance refresh issue after load or deposit actions.
Pool Management:
✔️ Showed error message for insufficient funds.
✔️ Fixed critical issues allowing lending to closed pools.
✔️ Updated pool information dynamically post actions.
✔️ Improved Line Chart Component for better analysis.
✔️ Enhanced graph display and introduced flexibility.
✔️ Introduced CardComponent for streamlined Dashboard.
✔️ Removed currency labels for cleaner visuals.
✔ Resolved test issues in Table Component and created Bar and Pie Chart Components, enhancing data visualization
✔ Refactored Dashboard to improve flexibility and customization.
✔ Introduced tooltips for Bar and Pie Chart, updated UI-Kit version, and addressed LendBorrow component’s issues.
✔ Made significant improvements, including enabling value formatting, updating filters, and streamlining user experience.
✔️ Rearranged dashboard layout for better breakpoints.
✔️ Displayed error messages within respective components for improved UX.
Development Process
✔️ Implemented GitHub templates and import order plugin for streamlined reviews.
✔️ Improved CI/CD processes for stability.
✔️ Enhanced user messaging for clarity and satisfaction.