The latest updates include backend scalability improvements, enhanced frontend features for better user experience, and expanded SDK capabilities to support new functionalities.
Backend Development
Assets Backend Functionality Improvements:
✔️ Integrated ARTe functionalities into the backend, including create, fetch, mint, and burn operations.
✔️ Addressed configuration issues by adding missing variables in the Kubernetes configmaps.
✔️ Introduced new environment variables for faucet functionality to support various operations.
✔️ Enhanced backend configurations for the sharing block to improve performance and stability.
✔️ Migrated real estate template to include a photos field, enhancing data representation for real estate assets.
Pools Backend Functionality Improvements:
✔️ Cleaned up deployment configurations by removing unnecessary reference branches for the sharing block.
✔️ Added feature to set a fixed token price, providing an alternative to using external price fetchers like Coingecko.
✔️ Migrated pool table structure to support multiple contracts, improving data organization.
✔️ Addressed missing service start logic in the base configuration for consistent service operations.
✔️ Enhanced the event table structure to support multiple contracts, improving event tracking and synchronization.
✔️ Grouped historical balances by available, supplied, and borrowed fields for more detailed financial tracking.
✔️ Resolved issues with wrong interface serialization caused by toString method.
✔️ Addressed mis-calculation issues for historical borrow contributions, improving data accuracy.
✔️ Added necessary permissions on tables and views to support multi-chain backend operations.
✔️ Refactored the backend to support multiple pool contracts, allowing for greater flexibility and scalability.
✔️ Implemented handler structures to support counterparty pools, including endpoints for creating, lending, borrowing, and managing pools.
✔️ Established global views for event-related data to streamline data access and reporting.
✔️ Added endpoints for claiming rewards, depositing rewards, closing, and archiving pools.
✔️ Modified the param table to include a contract_id foreign key, supporting multiple contract configurations.
✔️ Created unit tests to validate the fluctuation formula, ensuring accurate financial calculations.
✔️ Upgraded the Defactor SDK to the latest version, incorporating new features and improvements.
✔️ Fixed bug that caused metadata removal on server restarts, ensuring persistent data.
Engage Backend Functionality Improvements:
✔️ Developed new endpoints to return the circulating supply of active networks.
✔️ Adapted backend logic to support the integration of the Real-World Asset (RWA) chain.
✔️ Modified the event and plan tables to support different contract data, improving data organization.
✔️ Resolved bugs in historical value locked calculation, ensuring accurate financial data.
✔️ Extended support for the buyback contract, including new features for handling buyback operations.
✔️ Created a snapshot worker to calculate token supply, considering the bridge mode of the instance.
Frontend Development
✔️ Continued development on ARTe integration, including backend connections and frontend improvements.
✔️ Refactored and optimized the useArteHook by moving handleFileChange to the hook, memoizing chainOptions and steps, and wrapping handlers with useCallback.
✔️ Implemented changes to the asset details page, including fixing document labels, adding links, and changing tabs from edit to view mode.
✔️ Added comprehensive form validations to the ARTe feature, ensuring better data integrity and user input validation.
✔️ Enhanced error handling for the CustomDropzone component and added validation feedback to ensure file selection, improving user experience.
✔️ Refined the sharing block instance configuration for improved performance and reliability.
✔️ Introduced additional translations to support internationalization for the ARTe feature.
✔️ Resolved React warnings related to default props in the YAxis component by updating to the latest Recharts version and using logical defaults.
✔️ Set up the LandShare instance and removed the multi-chain component when only one chain is configured, streamlining the interface.
✔️ Improved clarity by renaming Kubernetes namespaces to be more descriptive.
✔️ Replaced @mui/styles with @mui/system for better integration and maintainability.
✔️ Enhanced styles on the pool details page for both desktop and mobile views.
✔️ Resolved issues in the DevOps ConfigMap to ensure a stable deployment environment.
✔️ Updated GraphQL variable names to align with new table conventions for direct queries.
✔️ Applied better styling to the LendBorrow modal component for a more polished user interface.
✔️ Deployed the latest updates to production and staging environments for thorough testing and live operations.
✔️ Increased node memory allocation to support larger builds and improve performance.
✔️ Refined logic for fetching circulating supply to ensure accurate data representation
✔️ Introduced JWT-based authentication for enhanced security and user role management.
✔️ Rebuilt the yarn.lock file to resolve dependency issues and ensure smooth builds.
✔️ Enhanced session state management to retain user data upon page reloads.
✔️ Improved the design and functionality of buybacks modals, enhancing user experience.
✔️ Addressed various issues and style improvements in the ecosystem dashboard for a better user interface.
✔️ Resolved issues with component exports, ensuring all components are correctly exported and usable.
✔️ Developed a new AreaChartV3 component for better data visualization.
✔️ Enhanced the PreviewProfile component by adding imageRadius support for customizable icons.
✔️ Introduced a new version of the WalletSelector component with improved functionality and design.
✔️ Added a new version of the LanguageSelector component, unifying its design across applications.
SDK Updates
✔️ Extended the SDK to support staking contracts with expiring plans, improving flexibility for staking operations.