Updates include backend improvements for sharing blocks, buyback tables, and error handling, alongside frontend enhancements in navigation, sharing blocks, and restake flows. The UI Kit added customizable sidebars and responsive components, while the SDK now supports vesting contracts. Documentation was expanded with new guides and configurations.
Backend Development
Assets Backend Functionality Improvements:
✔️ Backend support for the newly introduced sharing block features.
Engage Backend Functionality Improvements:
✔️ Restructured database tables to handle buyback contracts and events efficiently.
- Added new tables for buyback data and event types.
- Introduced global buyback views for streamlined queries.
- Removed deprecated fields like expiration time from plans.
✔️ Improved server behavior to stop services if the building phase fails, ensuring reliability during deployment.
✔️ Reduced the frequency of Alchemy API requests to improve performance and reduce overhead.
Frontend Development
✔️ Updates to the sidebar UI for improved navigation and aesthetics.
✔️ Sharing block functionality introduced, enhancing user collaboration features.
✔️ Improved error handling for the CustomDropzone component and added validation feedback for better user experience.
Key Updates:
- Highlight file selection errors with red borders.
- Added missing translations to ARTe components.
- Loading and Scrolling Improvements
- Overview: Addressed loading issues in the "use template" feature and improved scrolling behaviour on the fill data page.
✔️ Integrated buyback functionality to support contracts and display data in a dedicated table view.
✔️ Small fixes to expected rewards formatting and token icon display for a cleaner user interface.
✔️ Addressed session persistence issues, ensuring active tokens are retained on refresh and restake buttons work reliably.
✔️ Replaced the existing sidebar with the MainSidebar component from the UI kit, adding support for custom colors and active states.
✔️ Improved restake flow handling completed positions and unified the behavior for both unlocked and unstaked statuses.
✔️ Added support for active border color on the MainSidebar component for enhanced UI customizations.
✔️ Introduced the ToolItemV3 component for improved tool management and display.
✔️ Adjusted responsive styles for the Mobile Connect Wallet icon and optimized default breakpoints for the MainSidebar component.
SDK Updates
✔️ Added comprehensive support for the vesting contract in the SDK.
Key Features:
- Introduced a new Vesting class to handle contract interactions.
- Added utility functions for computing merkle roots and validating proofs.
Included test cases to ensure robust implementation.
✔️ Updated Documentation
✔️ Added new Engage instance configurations to JSON lists.
✔️ Updated the 2024 roadmap milestones.
✔️ Added detailed guides for staking contract and pools contract configurations.